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Copyright © 2012 Surety 3: Designed By R. Dowston
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I joined Surety 3 / Palmetto Surety when I learned that they were the company that started giving benefits to agents. I told myself, any General Agent or Agency that was innovative enough to create and offer benefits to their agents was one I wanted to work with. Since then, their amazing support team has helped me literally transform my bail bonding business and office in ways I never thought was possible. I wrote a 1.3 million dollar bond with no effort and nor did I have to share or split my premium with my General Agent Rod Dowston or Palmetto Surety my insurance company.
You have to look at bail bonding like you're driving a car. When you want to go forward you put the gear in D. When you want to go backwards you put it in R.  Forward is Surety 3/Palmetto Surety.  Backwards is your old Surety and/or General Agent.  Forward or Backwards which way you want to go? Surety 3  marketing team has listed your business in over 30 website directories and apps for free
A question is asked-- "What's behind the paper"?
Answer is-- "the something in front of the paper, Surety 3 General Agency/ Palmetto Surety.
I can't imagine ever being with another General Agent and insurance company.
Tyrone , Sanford, FL
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